Why You Need an Office 365 Champion (or 10)

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  August 22, 2016  /  Microsoft 365, IT, Team Leaders / Managers   —   1 Comments ↓

Using Office 365, I mean really using it to its full potential, is more than just technical. There is also a good deal of cultural change and process change required for moving to the cloud.

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Tags: Microsoft 365, IT, Team Leaders / Managers

Windows 10 Anniversary: Happy 1st Birthday!

Posted by David Thibault  /  August 19, 2016  /  Windows   —   No Comments ↓

It's hard to believe, but Windows 10 turned one on July 29, 2016. To develop Windows 10, Microsoft worked with over one million insiders who tested and provided feedback along the way. Then Microsoft offered a free upgrade to existing Windows users for the first year. Now that one year has passed, what changes can we expect?

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Tags: Windows

The Dangers of Not Using OneDrive: Office 365 Adoption Tips

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  August 16, 2016  /  Microsoft 365, OneDrive   —   1 Comments ↓

I was speaking with a client recently. She had reached out to me for training on OneDrive for Business. I've worked with this woman for years and she was very excited that her business had moved to the cloud. She looked forward to leveraging Office 365 and all the awesome collaboration features.

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Tags: Microsoft 365, OneDrive

7 Pro Tips to Learn Excel Online

Posted by Jennifer Patterson  /  August 11, 2016  /  Excel, Microsoft 365   —   No Comments ↓

When it’s time for your employees to master Excel, or even step up their game a bit, you probably already have a hunch that you can do it completely online.

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Tags: Excel, Microsoft 365

Excel Power User Training - 100% Online!

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  August 8, 2016  /  Excel, KnowledgeWave Courses, Training   —   No Comments ↓

Updated: 7/10/17

Microsoft estimates that 5 - 10% of users are using more complex features of Excel to create business insights. Some experts have shown that these “super users” are earning more than their colleagues. So if you like problem solving, data analysis, and the idea of boosting your earning power, maybe it's time to become an Excel power user.

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Tags: Excel, KnowledgeWave Courses, Training

Microsoft Word 2016: New Features

Posted by Jon Hood  /  August 2, 2016  /  Word, Microsoft 365, Office 2016   —   7 Comments ↓

Let me begin by telling you that I am REALLY excited about some of the new and upcoming improvements to Microsoft Office 2016.

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Tags: Word, Microsoft 365, Office 2016

How Good Branding Can Supercharge Your MSP Sales

Posted by Eric Sokolowski  /  July 28, 2016  /  MSP   —   No Comments ↓

You can probably deploy a few hundred virtual machines with your eyes closed, but one of the real challenges for MSPs is attracting potential new clients. Marketing and sales don't necessarily come naturally to us technical folks.

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Tags: MSP

A Sample Office 365 Training Plan

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  July 26, 2016  /  Microsoft 365, Training   —   No Comments ↓

I recently spoke with an HR person at a mid-sized company, and an IT leader at a smaller non-profit organization. Both conversations were about Office 365 training for their employees.

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Tags: Microsoft 365, Training

Should Your MSP SLA Include Deskside Support for Software?

Posted by Eric Sokolowski  /  July 20, 2016  /  MSP   —   1 Comments ↓

More and more small to mid-sized businesses are moving to the Managed Service Provider model in order to save money and improve productivity.

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Tags: MSP

Leveraging Remote Assistance to Boost Profit Margins

Posted by Eric Sokolowski  /  July 15, 2016  /  MSP   —   No Comments ↓

By now, the benefits of offering remote support through GoToAssist or LogMeIn or any of the like have made themselves known. You've embraced the increase in productivity, efficiency, and reduction of travel costs it brings. Your clients are thrilled, too, with the troubleshooting ease and immediacy remote assistance offers.

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Tags: MSP

Why Choose KnowledgeWave as Your Software Training Solution?

Posted by Jennifer Patterson  /  July 11, 2016  /  KLS, Training   —   1 Comments ↓

Just like everything else, training is going online. The days of sitting in a classroom listening to an instructor for 6 hours are fading.

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Tags: KLS, Training

What the Heck is the Cloud?

Posted by Jon Hood  /  July 7, 2016  /  Microsoft 365   —   No Comments ↓

That’s probably the most commonly asked question I hear when I deliver training these days. As more and more organizations deploy Office 365 and Google Apps, for example, people hear this buzzword and are mystified by it.

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Tags: Microsoft 365

Get to Know Microsoft Planner: Your Dream Tool for Task Management and Small Projects

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  June 30, 2016  /  Microsoft 365   —   1 Comments ↓

Got a small project or a team goal where Microsoft Project seems like overkill? Or maybe some of your team members don't have (or aren't comfortable with) MS Project.

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Tags: Microsoft 365

Should MSPs Move Away From the Break Fix Model?

Posted by Eric Sokolowski  /  June 28, 2016  /  MSP   —   No Comments ↓

Many companies review their cost structure at least annually. A significant part of many business budgets is keeping IT systems running.

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Tags: MSP

4 Simple Excel Date Functions You Should Know

Posted by David Thibault  /  June 23, 2016  /  Excel   —   11 Comments ↓

Working with dates in Excel can sometimes be a little confusing. Excel stores dates as sequential numbers that can be used in calculations.

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Tags: Excel