End User Training as a Value-Add for MSP Clients

Posted by Eric Sokolowski  /  August 19, 2019  /  Microsoft 365, MSP, End Users, Training   —   No Comments ↓

As an MSP helping your clients is one of your top priorities. Questions regarding Office 365 and associated applications (like Teams, SharePoint and OneDrive) can arise early and often when a client is migrating from another system (such as G-Suite) to the Office 365 platform. Helping your clients solve their problems and answering their questions is incredibly easy with the KnowledgeWave Learning Site.

Check out a quick, two minute show-and-tell video from KnowledgeWave CEO Eric Sokolowski, detailing a recent situation where an MSP easily solved a client problem with the KnowledgeWave Learning Site in just a few steps.

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Tags: Microsoft 365, MSP, End Users, Training

Three Warning Signs that Your Team Needs Office 365 Training

Posted by David Thibault  /  August 12, 2019  /  Microsoft 365, User Adoption, Training   —   No Comments ↓

After successfully completing Microsoft Office 365 migration, you thought the hard part was over. The problem is now employees are still submitting projects in the old format, or using outdated email to exchange information instead of the collaboration channels you painstakingly set up in Microsoft Teams.

What went wrong? It might be that you skimped on employee training while implementing Office 365 throughout your business. Employees need help learning and understanding new applications, communication tools and ways to work. If you notice any of these three warning signs in your office, odds are your team needs some additional training:

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Tags: Microsoft 365, User Adoption, Training

Top Five Benefits of Microsoft Office 365 SharePoint and OneDrive

Posted by Jon Hood  /  August 5, 2019  /  Microsoft 365, SharePoint, OneDrive   —   2 Comments ↓

Combining the forces of Microsoft Office 365 SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business can give your company a powerful communication and information exchange system. You can easily share and store files, comply with security requirements, and give your enterprise the tools it needs for enhanced business processes. Migrating to Office 365 with SharePoint and OneDrive can yield several important benefits, including the following top five.

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Tags: Microsoft 365, SharePoint, OneDrive

What You Should Know About Microsoft Teams

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  July 29, 2019  /  Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams   —   No Comments ↓

Teams is Microsoft’s answer to group chat, based off the preexisting 365 environment, and is designed to replace Skype for Business. With an Office 365 Business Premium, Business Essentials, OR Enterprise (E1, E3, or E5) subscription, your organization can enable Groups and Teams.

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Tags: Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams

Reluctant Office 365 Users? Top Tips to Win Them Over

Posted by Jennifer Patterson  /  July 22, 2019  /  Microsoft 365, End Users, User Adoption, Training   —   1 Comments ↓

If you feel like you are dragging a reluctant team along into Office 365 you are not alone. Or maybe they aren’t reluctant, just indifferent. Even if your users aren’t saying it, here’s what they are thinking: 

“I’ve been using Excel for years and I’m just fine using it to get my work done…why should I care about Microsoft 365?”

“Can’t I just keep using Outlook the same way I’ve always used Outlook?”

First, it’s helpful to clarify for users the difference between stand-alone Microsoft Office vs. Microsoft Office 365.

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Tags: Microsoft 365, End Users, User Adoption, Training

Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts

Posted by David Thibault  /  July 15, 2019  /  Windows, IT, End Users   —   No Comments ↓

Below is a list of 12 great keyboard shortcuts to help you get the most out of using the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system. Keyboard shortcuts are great because they allow users to quickly and efficiently complete specific tasks that could end up taking much longer with just the mouse or track pad. Memorizing all the shortcuts might take some time so we suggest printing them out and leaving them next to your keyboard so you can quickly reference them whenever. Some of these shortcuts listed will even work in earlier versions of Windows (8.1, 7 and XP).

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Tags: Windows, IT, End Users

Driving a Modern Workplace with Office 365

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  July 8, 2019  /  Microsoft 365, MSP, User Adoption   —   No Comments ↓

Over the last several years I’ve had the opportunity to work with many companies that have moved to Office 365. The most common challenge they all face is user adoption related to Office 365 tools and features. Moving to Office 365 isn’t difficult. You can do it yourself or work with a partner like an MSP (Managed Service Provider) and leverage support from Microsoft as part of the FastTrack Program. Some end up using a mix. The hurdle is getting your staff to work differently and leverage the new tools available to them.

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Tags: Microsoft 365, MSP, User Adoption

Office 365 for Law Firms: Beyond Outlook, Word & Excel

Posted by Mark Rickner  /  June 24, 2019  /  Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams   —   No Comments ↓

Office 365 provides a range of applications that will change how you work, communicate and collaborate. Many law firms will initially make the move to the Office 365 platform because it is the most recent version of Microsoft Office. At some point, users begin to realize there is a lot more to Office 365 then the standard applications they are use to using. Many new features in Office 365 can be and should be leveraged to increase productivity and efficiency.

While, this post does focus on using these features in a law firm setting, these new tools can be used by any business, organization, school or non-profit, to increase workflow optimization. The following are just a few of the important Office 365 applications and features that will benefit any size firm:

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Tags: Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams

How to Justify Additional Company Training for Microsoft Office 365

Posted by Jennifer Patterson  /  June 17, 2019  /  Microsoft 365, Training   —   No Comments ↓

Microsoft Office 365 is a powerful, complex software solution. Achieving both personal and business success with Office 365 will take training – a lot of training, most likely. IT professionals may struggle with convincing stakeholders of the value that additional Office 365 training can provide for the business. If you want to successfully convince your employer Office 365 training is necessary and beneficial, follow these tips.

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Tags: Microsoft 365, Training

Microsoft Activating 'Insights for MyAnalytics' for Office 365

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  June 10, 2019  /  Microsoft 365, Training   —   No Comments ↓

Businesses that have migrated to Office 365 are beginning to see and use an exciting new feature – Insights for MyAnalytics. MyAnalytics allows users to track the time employees spend on certain applications to enhance productivity and efficiency. Insights for MyAnalytics is a separate add-on that provides actionable insights for employees, which can help boost office productivity. Here’s what you need to know about this new update – and how it can help you grow your business.

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Tags: Microsoft 365, Training

Avoid These 3 Common Obstacles During Microsoft Office 365 Migration

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  June 3, 2019  /  Software Rollout / Deployment / Migration, Microsoft 365, Training   —   No Comments ↓

Many businesses encounter challenges during Microsoft Office 365 adoption and migration, largely due to the complexity and power of the program. Office 365 is not just new software, it's a new way to work. Common obstacles include trouble converting via legacy solutions, low bandwidth, lack of support, poorly constructed pilots, and lack of a clear migration path. Here are some of the most common challenges to Office 365 migration and how to avoid them.

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Tags: Software Rollout / Deployment / Migration, Microsoft 365, Training

Why User Adoption Should Be a Key Piece of Any Office 365 Rollout

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  May 22, 2019  /  Microsoft 365, MSP, IT   —   No Comments ↓

IT professionals and end-users often see technology from different perspectives. You’re likely to be more concerned with all the mechanics and logistics. Conversely, your clients and end-users are scratching their heads. This is a key consideration to include in your Office 365 migration planning. Including user adoption and training activities aids in bridging that chasm, and should be present throughout the migration process.

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Tags: Microsoft 365, MSP, IT

The Importance of a Windows 10 Upgrade in the Healthcare Industry

Posted by David Thibault  /  May 20, 2019  /  Windows, Software Rollout / Deployment / Migration   —   No Comments ↓

Upgrading to Windows 10 can reap benefits across multiple industries, but perhaps the most important changes are in healthcare. As a company in the healthcare industry, you must comply with HIPAA requirements. Part of these requirements is to ensure patient information privacy – something an older version of Windows could compromise. By upgrading to a new operating system like Windows 10, you can remain compliant with HIPAA and provide multiple benefits to your healthcare organization.

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Tags: Windows, Software Rollout / Deployment / Migration

Windows 10 Pro vs. Enterprise for Banks & Credit Unions

Posted by Mark Rickner  /  May 13, 2019  /  Windows, Software Rollout / Deployment / Migration   —   No Comments ↓

As a financial institution, you have immense responsibilities with regard to customer privacy. Your customers trust you with their most sensitive financial information. Using the wrong Windows OS could compromise this trust and expose sensitive information. However, knowing which operating system to choose can be a challenge with all the options available – should you choose Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise? Here are a few pros and cons of each version to help you make the right choice for your banking company:

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Tags: Windows, Software Rollout / Deployment / Migration

How Emotion-Based Selling Can Boost Your MSP Sales

Posted by Eric Sokolowski  /  May 10, 2019  /  MSP   —   No Comments ↓

The machine-based world of technology can appear void of human touch to many outside of it. Which can make selling technology services to living, breathing humans even more of a challenge.

One method for adding a dash of humanity is incorporating emotion-based selling techniques – a powerful (and proven) weapon used by salespeople around the world.

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Tags: MSP