How to Customize Channel Tabs in Microsoft Teams

Posted by Jon Hood  /  November 13, 2020  /  Microsoft Teams, 5 Minute Teams Friday   —   4 Comments ↓

I’m always going on and on about how cool I think Microsoft Teams isAll the stuff I need is in one placeFor me, Teams provides little windowpanes that I can look through to navigate my projects and use Office 365 tools efficiently! In today's '5 Minute Teams Friday', I wanted to share how customizing channel tabs in Microsoft Teams allows me to accomplish more than you’d expect!

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Tags: Microsoft Teams, 5 Minute Teams Friday

Measuring Office 365 Adoption

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  November 4, 2020  /  Microsoft 365, MSP, User Adoption, Microsoft Teams   —   No Comments ↓

As part of our Adoption and Change Management (ACM) practice, we highlight the need to measure for success. It’s even a section on my Office 365 User Adoption ChecklistKnowledgeWave has had the opportunity to beta test Microsoft Productivity Score for the last several months and we are super excited that it’s now available in general release to all Office 365 Administrators. (If you don’t see it hang tight, it’s coming) The use of Productivity Score will help organizations power their digital transformation with metrics that can dive into how users are using modern technology like Microsoft Teams.

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Tags: Microsoft 365, MSP, User Adoption, Microsoft Teams

Working with Files in Microsoft Teams

Posted by Jon Hood  /  October 30, 2020  /  Microsoft Teams, Training   —   No Comments ↓

Collaborating with our work content is a behavioral change, and is also a new way to work, with tools that are new to many users. The explosive growth of Microsoft Teams, has enabled business users to communicate from their work offices or work from home locations, giving us to the capability to communicate with our co-workers across locations and an array of devices. Some managers and team members have even set up the virtual water cooler chats, to help keep colleagues stay connected in a virtual “social” setting.

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Tags: Microsoft Teams, Training

5 Ways an End-User Learning Solution Helps Retain Your MSP Clients

Posted by Eric Sokolowski  /  October 27, 2020  /    —   No Comments ↓

In the simplest terms, the two key ingredients for a successful MSP are signing new clients and retaining them. New competitors are entering the MSP landscape every day as VAR's are attracted to the recurring revenue stream.

Don’t look now, but you can be sure those competitors are targeting your customers with offers to deliver more value for less cost. According to this Charted Institute of Marketing study, "it costs between 4 and 10 times more to acquire a new customer than it does to keep an existing one."

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5 Minute ProDev: Empathy in the Workplace

Posted by Dave Dec  /  October 19, 2020  /  Professional Development   —   No Comments ↓

Empathy is the number one professional skill sought after in the workplace today. Whether it is customer service, sales, or simply working with colleagues, empathy is a strong skill and one you can learn and develop.

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Tags: Professional Development

Introducing '5 Minute Teams Fridays' from KnowledgeWave

Posted by Jon Hood  /  October 9, 2020  /  Microsoft Teams, 5 Minute Teams Friday, Training   —   No Comments ↓

I love Teams! I use it on my work PC, on my laptop, and on my Samsung Galaxy. Teams enables me to stay in contact with my team, and review work content from any location I might need to have access to it. I’m able to view shared support documentation on the go, to provide the best support to the end users that need my help. Microsoft Teams has changed how me, my team at KnowledgeWave, and how people around the world work & collaborate.

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Tags: Microsoft Teams, 5 Minute Teams Friday, Training

Power BI: Dancing with Data

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  October 5, 2020  /  Webinars, Microsoft 365, Power BI   —   No Comments ↓

Data is a popular topic these days. OK, it has been since the days of the mainframe. We just have more of it now. With so much data being collected across so many locations, a tool like Power BI lets us connect to that data. Power BI enables us to present data visually, and provide intuitive details, insights and modeling examples in a familiar Microsoft Office experience.

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Tags: Webinars, Microsoft 365, Power BI

Power BI and What It Can Do

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  September 21, 2020  /  Webinars, Microsoft 365, Power BI   —   4 Comments ↓

KnowledgeWave is pleased and excited to be providing a no-cost awareness webinar recording that is available on-demand on a topic that is fast becoming a popular conversation we have with clients using Office 365, Power BI. What is Power BI, and What Can it Do, as well as why you should consider using it are all at the heart of this webinar presentation.

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Tags: Webinars, Microsoft 365, Power BI

7 Reasons Why Everybody Loves a Good Webinar [Sample Included]

Posted by Mark Rickner  /  September 16, 2020  /  Webinars, KLS, Training   —   No Comments ↓

Webinars are short, focused training seminars that take place over the web. Depending on the subject matter, we find that webinars are often preferred by many end users over traditional classes.

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Tags: Webinars, KLS, Training

Introducing '5 Minute ProDev' from KnowledgeWave

Posted by Dave Dec  /  September 8, 2020  /  Professional Development, Training   —   No Comments ↓

Formerly known as “soft skills” training, professional development is the fastest growing community in the talent development world. Businesses, universities, agencies, and healthcare all agree that technical knowledge is important, and so are professional skills.

Dealing with management, coworkers, and the people we serve, all require that we sharpen our ability to use skills like empathy, adaptability, communications, and more. Leaders in every organization want their employees trained and yet, finding the time to attend this type of learning is hard to come by.

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Tags: Professional Development, Training

A Guide to Microsoft Teams Chat Files

Posted by Jon Hood  /  August 24, 2020  /  Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams   —   No Comments ↓

One of my favorite things about writing blogs like this is to demystify stuff that many of us have been confronted with, especially in a modern workplace. Today, I’ll lay out what you need to know about Microsoft Teams chat files.

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Tags: Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams

How to Disable Microsoft Teams Creation

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  August 10, 2020  /  Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams   —   1 Comments ↓

In this post, I wanted to share specifically how you can disable users from creating Microsoft Teams and how can you remove the 'Create a Team' box within the application. Let me be clear, it is my opinion that you must provide some sort of starting architecture if you want to promote Teams usage and foster user adoption of this powerful tool.

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Tags: Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams

Provide Governance for Microsoft Teams Creation with a Template Policy

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  July 27, 2020  /  Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams   —   No Comments ↓

Our team writes a lot about Microsoft Teams, and for all that we write, we put even more into real-world action for our clients. In this post, I’ll share a process for Teams Governance, using a Template Policy. Using templates to govern Microsoft Teams creation empowers businesses to set their own standards.

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Tags: Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams

How to Manage 'Bookings' within Microsoft Teams

Posted by Dave Dec  /  July 13, 2020  /  Microsoft 365, Microsoft Bookings, Microsoft Teams   —   1 Comments ↓

With Microsoft Teams as your organization's communications hub, you can manage your 'Bookings' directly within Teams. Simply select the ellipsis to add the Bookings app to your Teams sidebar. Bookings is an Office 365 application that allows your customers to book appointments with your staff based on the services you offer and your staff availability.

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Tags: Microsoft 365, Microsoft Bookings, Microsoft Teams

Introduction to Microsoft Bookings

Posted by Dave Dec  /  June 29, 2020  /  Microsoft 365, Microsoft Bookings, Training   —   No Comments ↓

Bookings from Microsoft is an Office 365 application that allows your customers to book appointments with your staff based on the services you offer and your staff availability.

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Tags: Microsoft 365, Microsoft Bookings, Training