Asserting Yourself in the Workplace: A KnowledgeWave Webinar Series

Posted by Dave Dec  /  June 14, 2021  /  Professional Development, Training   —   No Comments ↓

It can be challenging to stand up for yourself in the workplace. Sometimes we fear what may happen to us if we do. This series of webinars will show you how to assert yourself, set boundaries, and how and when to say no and make it positive for everyone.

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Tags: Professional Development, Training

How to Use Outlook's New 'Report Message' Feature

Posted by Dave Dec  /  May 17, 2021  /  Outlook, Microsoft 365   —   1 Comments ↓

Microsoft Outlook does a great job at detecting potentially harmful email messages. Messages such as SPAM, Phishing, and what Microsoft calls false-positive e-mail.

Spammers and Phishers continue their efforts to send you these email messages undetected by existing Outlook filters. Microsoft now provides you, the end-user, the ability to make these filters even stronger so that it does not miss these messages.

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Tags: Outlook, Microsoft 365

How to Create and Manage Microsoft Teams Breakout Rooms

Posted by Jon Hood  /  April 5, 2021  /  Microsoft Teams   —   No Comments ↓

Previously, I shared What You Need to Know about Microsoft Teams Breakout Rooms. If you haven’t read that post, I’d recommend you review it because I shared some important details about who can create Breakout Rooms and I also highlighted some things Breakout Rooms can’t do, currently anyways.  

In this post, I would like to share the step-by-step process for setting up and using Breakout rooms. This post is intended for meeting organizers.

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Tags: Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams Breakout Rooms: What You Need to Know

Posted by Jon Hood  /  March 22, 2021  /  Microsoft Teams   —   No Comments ↓

Microsoft Teams users, breakout rooms are here! If you’re the meeting organizer and you’re using the Teams desktop app (Windows or Mac) you can create and manage your own breakout rooms in Microsoft TeamsBreakout rooms are an awesome virtual meeting space within a Teams meeting! That’s right, we’re talking online meetings where you can separate the participants into segmented meetings.

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Tags: Microsoft Teams

Introducing the KnowledgeWave ProDev Presentation Skills Series

Posted by Dave Dec  /  March 9, 2021  /  Professional Development, Training   —   No Comments ↓

With the growth of remote working, be it due to COVID-19 or the growth of our organizations, now more than ever, we are all providing more presentations. Sometimes technical challenges can arise while giving these presentations, for example: Microsoft Teams, PowerPoint, and other technologies sometimes don't work the way we want them to. Non-technical issues can also provide a challenge: How can you give a great presentation when you are not in the same room your audience, or maybe we have a fear of public speaking?

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Tags: Professional Development, Training

How to Create an Effective Workforce with Microsoft Teams

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  February 26, 2021  /  Microsoft Teams   —   No Comments ↓

recently had the pleasure and opportunity to present to members of the Chief Operating Officers (COO) Business Forum based in Michiganorganized by Crown Talent AssetsThe COO Forum is a great resource for business executives to explore and learn about new and emerging ideas, solutions, processes, and tools.

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Tags: Microsoft Teams

5 Minute ProDev: Entrepreneurism in the Workplace

Posted by Dave Dec  /  February 8, 2021  /  Professional Development, Training   —   No Comments ↓

Entrepreneurism in the workplace is not about starting a business. It is about acting like an entrepreneur in your current job. This means you are an internal entrepreneur, or “intrapreneur".

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Tags: Professional Development, Training

5 Minute ProDev: Critical Thinking in the Workplace

Posted by Dave Dec  /  January 25, 2021  /  Professional Development, Training   —   No Comments ↓

Critical thinking means questioning the norm. Just because we have always done things a certain way, does not mean it is the most efficient or best way of doing those things. Critical thinking lets us look at processes as we work and think about better ways to do the job.

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Tags: Professional Development, Training

5 Minute ProDev: Collaboration in the Workplace

Posted by Dave Dec  /  January 4, 2021  /  Professional Development, Training   —   No Comments ↓

Collaboration in the Workplace is about coming together to achieve a common goal. Collaboration is about working together to be both innovative and productive without having to compromise yourself or others during the process.

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Tags: Professional Development, Training

Sample Training Video by KnowledgeWave

Posted by Eric Sokolowski  /  December 21, 2020  /  KLS   —   No Comments ↓

A little background

Just in case you're new here: KnowledgeWave provides software training for end-users on popular business apps, like Microsoft Office, Teams and Adobe. 

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Tags: KLS

5 Minute ProDev: Communication in the Workplace

Posted by Dave Dec  /  December 18, 2020  /  Professional Development, Training   —   1 Comments ↓

Communication in the workplace is more than speaking. It is about the expression of ideas and feelings between you and the folks you work with and serve. Communication is the search to understand one another.

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Tags: Professional Development, Training

How to Use Microsoft Teams Contextual Search

Posted by Jon Hood  /  December 11, 2020  /  Microsoft Teams   —   No Comments ↓

Even if your file management skills are on point and you’re an organizing master…I’m guessing you still like finding things quickly! Have you ever put an important file “somewhere safe” but can’t remember exactly where that safe place is? I definitely have. In my experience, searching for content instead of scrolling and navigating has saved me time and aggravation.

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Tags: Microsoft Teams

5 Minute ProDev: Networking in the Workplace

Posted by Dave Dec  /  December 4, 2020  /  Professional Development, Training   —   No Comments ↓

Networking in the Workplace is about what you can offer others, not just what you can personally gain from networking. It is about sharing thoughts and ideas with like-hearted people who share common interests with you.

Networking is about getting out of your comfort zone to see what is new in your profession, and how best you can serve organizations and people dedicated to your type of work. 

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Tags: Professional Development, Training

How to Join a Microsoft Teams Meeting for the First Time

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  November 23, 2020  /  Microsoft Teams   —   10 Comments ↓

As its popularity continues to grow, businesses are using Microsoft Teams to present and (in many cases) are inviting external guests to meetings on the platform. The meeting experience is new for many users, especially the end-user consumer, and the businesses inviting them don’t always understand the attendees’ experience.

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Tags: Microsoft Teams

5 Minute ProDev: Adaptability in the Workplace

Posted by Dave Dec  /  November 16, 2020  /  Professional Development, Training   —   No Comments ↓

Adaptability means being flexible to your environment as your surroundings change. Adapting to your work environment is a much needed and notable skill. Work is in constant change and so is the world we live in. Services, products, and the people you serve change all the time. How your organization conducts business will also always be changing in order to keep up with the market that you serve.

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Tags: Professional Development, Training