The Importance of Employee Engagement During Onboarding

Posted by Jennifer Patterson  /  June 17, 2015  /  Training   —   1 Comments ↓

In today's business environment, staffing can feel like a revolving door, which is especially frustrating when you consider the costs of turnover—both hidden and evident. What if you could alleviate the rising cost of employee turnover? Don't underestimate the importance of your onboarding plan.

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Tags: Training

MS10961: Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  June 16, 2015  /  KnowledgeWave Courses   —   No Comments ↓

10961 Automating Administration with PowerShell

About this Course
If you’re an administrator using Microsoft products and you aren’t using PowerShell to automate, you should highly consider this class!  

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Tags: KnowledgeWave Courses

Streamlining Tools for Employee Communications

Posted by Eric Sokolowski  /  June 16, 2015  /  Excel   —   No Comments ↓

In today's age of technology, there are virtually no limits when it comes to collaboration and communication tools. Despite this, however, communication can still get lost in translation. As a result, organizations are experiencing a lag in productivity and a delay in meeting deadlines among teams. While streamlining internal communication is often easier said than done, opening the lines of communication can ultimately help build stronger teams and improve your company as a whole.

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Tags: Excel

Reasons Folders in SharePoint Are a Bad Idea

Posted by Jon Hood  /  June 10, 2015  /  Microsoft 365   —   4 Comments ↓

As many of us already know, migrating to Microsoft SharePoint presents the risk of low user adoption. In our experience, we’ve seen resistance and a big mind shift with the concept of using metadata in SharePoint instead of the traditional folder structure. Most end users are comfortable with folders. After all, “that’s the way we’ve always done it.”  This cultural shift doesn’t come easy and requires continuous education and training.

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Tags: Microsoft 365

Excel: Protect Cells and Lock Down your Spreadsheets

Posted by Jon Hood  /  June 9, 2015  /  Excel   —   No Comments ↓

How do you protect cells on a spreadsheet so that people can only select certain cells? How do you protect cells within a spreadsheet so other people can’t delete your formulas? Gain control of your spreadsheets! The best way is to protect your cells by unlocking them. Check out how to first unlock cells and then protect the sheet with a password. Then, users only have the ability so select the cells that you decide.

Take this Employee Mileage Reimbursement Form, for example. We only want staff members to be able to enter their name, month, commute miles, and other specifics about the expense submission. We don’t want them to be able to select cells that include formulas…only constant values that pertain to them. Once protected, the best practice is to save this document as a template. 

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Tags: Excel

Using Microsoft Excel to Boost Your Data Integrity

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  June 8, 2015  /  Excel   —   No Comments ↓

For today's overworked business environment, there is an increased room for error when it comes to maintaining accurate data. Fortunately, there are tools and techniques for managing data integrity in Microsoft Excel, keeping business users and employees efficient, compliant and happy. Let's take a look at four time-saving tips that will make your daily tasks more manageable.

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Tags: Excel

How to Increase Productivity with These Excel Hacks

Posted by Jennifer Patterson  /  June 5, 2015  /    —   No Comments ↓

For many, Microsoft Excel can be a bit intimidating in the breadth of its applications. Because of this, managers often find themselves watching their teams take up huge amounts of time trying to understand formulas and learn how to sort data properly. While it will always take time to analyze data, there are a lot of tools and settings you can take advantage of to make the process more streamlined.

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How to Hone Your Training Techniques for Beginners

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  June 2, 2015  /  Training   —   No Comments ↓

When it comes to software training, you can run into some particular snares that go beyond issues in presenting the information. For one, your audience might simply be less adept or lack confidence when it comes to technology, making it more difficult for them to take in the information even if you use a great training module. When you're working with beginners, it's necessary to take the time to understand their needs and train in a way that benefits them in particular.

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Tags: Training

5 Quick Tricks for Lowering the Cost of Training

Posted by Eric Sokolowski  /  May 29, 2015  /  Training   —   No Comments ↓

Studies have shown time and again that it costs less to provide ongoing training to current employees than to hire new ones. An article in Chron discusses this relationship, stating: "The type of training necessary to bring an employee up to speed also impacts costs. On the job training, where workers perform their tasks and learn as they go, is relatively affordable, while lengthy induction training—the training you provide for workers before they’re ready to begin job functions—can incur higher costs." But even if you and your colleagues have embraced this concept, the effort to lower training costs doesn't end there. For many, virtual training is a cost-effective solution.

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Tags: Training

How to Migrate Microsoft Word 2003 AutoText Entries into Word 2010

Posted by David Thibault  /  May 27, 2015  /  Word, Microsoft 365   —   1 Comments ↓

This is a step-by-step guide that will assist with migrating AutoText specifically from Microsoft Word 2003 to Word 2010. Migrating AutoText will save you, or more specifically, your users a considerable amount of time because they will not need to reenter their AutoText entries.

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Tags: Word, Microsoft 365

4 Tips for Customizing Your Virtual-Training Strategy

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  May 26, 2015  /  Training   —   No Comments ↓

Since IT specialists already wear many hats, you likely won't have time to build an entire training platform from scratch yourself. While it's not impossible to create a virtual-training system internally, you can also reach out to a software vendor for prepared videos or work with a company that specializes in creating custom training modules geared toward a particular objective. Whichever way you choose, we've culled some tips to help you keep your colleagues in mind.

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Tags: Training

How to Empower Employees Through Self-Training

Posted by Jennifer Patterson  /  May 22, 2015  /  Excel, Training   —   No Comments ↓

As much as we believe in the benefits of initiating training programs, we know that sometimes it's easier said than done. Since no two employees are the same, it can be tricky to balance providing them with additional tools and giving them the personal attention they require. On top of that, you have budgets to consider and other tasks that need your attention, so you have to introduce a system in which you're not spending all of your time training. Self-training is often a useful solution to this conundrum, as growing and learning can provide a more impactful sense of satisfaction among your employees than money alone.

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Tags: Excel, Training

Excel: Clean Your Sheets with TRIM and SUBSTITUTE

Posted by Jon Hood  /  May 21, 2015  /  Excel, Microsoft 365   —   No Comments ↓

Occasionally, dates or names won’t merge correctly into a spreadsheet. There are extra spaces, for example, and you may want to get rid of them. How do you clean up your spreadsheets quickly? Use the TRIM and SUBSTITUTE functions. Trim blank spaces and substitute text or blanks with something different and clean up hidden characters!

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Tags: Excel, Microsoft 365

Factoring Training into Your Business Growth Strategy

Posted by Kurt Liebegott  /  May 19, 2015  /  Training   —   No Comments ↓

In 2014, Bersin by Deloitte released the results of its 2014 Corporate Learning Factbook, the results of which have been highlighted in the likes of Forbes and TLNT. The data from the study, which analyzed benchmarks and trends in the American and global training markets, provides some great insight into how training and business growth correlate. We've outlined some of the key messages that can be gleaned from this information to help your bottom line.

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Tags: Training

Excel: Use the Fill Handle to Copy a Series

Posted by Jon Hood  /  May 18, 2015  /  Excel   —   No Comments ↓

How can you use the fill handle to quickly work with your data? There are lots of cool things that you can do to maximize your use of the fill handle to copy a series and save you time. How can you repeat and or copy data down? Well, by using the fill handle!

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Tags: Excel