Managing Meetings: Ideas to Help You Run Great Meetings

Posted by Dave Dec  /  December 6, 2021  /  Professional Development, Training   —   No Comments ↓

Managing Meetings

Hosting and leading work meetings can sometimes be a difficult task - it helps to be prepared. KnowledgeWave is happy to present our "Managing Meetings" series. This Professional Development webinar/video series will walk you through a variety of different types of meetings, the purpose for hosting each type, and how to successfully manage each one.

One key to running or managing a great meeting is to be sure you and your meeting team know the purpose of the meeting. Another key is for everyone to be well prepared for the meeting. This goes for whether you are meeting in person or virtually for a distributed workforce. 

Introduction to the Series

In this introduction to the series of webinar videos, we will share some best practices for running great meetings. From brainstorming to a call to action, we will help you define meeting purposes, as well as touch on how you can improve time efficiencies.

KnowledgeWave Members can watch the video here!

Status Update 

Status update meetings are one of the most common meeting types. In this webinar, we will discuss the goals and actions for status updates. We will also discuss who should be in attendance, the frequency, and how to measure the success of this type of meeting. 

KnowledgeWave Members can watch the video here!

Information Sharing 

This type of meeting is used to present upcoming changes, new products, and new policies are a few examples. This session will help you hold successful information-sharing meetings. 

KnowledgeWave Members can watch the video here!

Decision Making 

This meeting type focuses on deciding when the meeting is complete. It is one of the meetings that require preparation by everyone involved. This webinar will show you how to be prepared and focus on the decision as an outcome. 

KnowledgeWave Members can watch the video here!


This is one of the most fun types of meetings. You may even need this type of meeting to come up with the definitions of all other meeting types. This is where innovation happens. We will show you how to get a brainstorming session running and how to manage it. We will also show you in this webinar how to enforce rule #1 if brainstorming; you cannot say “No” to any ideas. 

KnowledgeWave Members can watch the video here!

Problem Solving 

This is the most complex meeting type. This meeting involves defining an issue that is causing a problem. The problem could affect projects, products, and service issues. It could also include the future of the organization. This webinar will help you identify a problem, create effective goals to solve the problem, and how to evaluate the solution, even after the problem is solved. 

KnowledgeWave Members can watch the video here!

Team Building 

One of the things that drives us to do our work is feeling like we are a part of something. That we do in fact make a difference. All meetings are a team-building opportunity. We will show you these opportunities and discuss the popular team-building session such as project kick-offs, offsites, and more. 

KnowledgeWave Members can watch the video here!

View all of our Professional Development videos here!

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Throughout the entire series will discuss best practices for these meeting types to help ensure your meeting is a success!

About KnowledgeWave

For the past 20 years, KnowledgeWave has been helping companies deploy and adopt the latest business software. We stay up to date with the most recent software features and are constantly adding additional training to our online learning library, the KnowledgeWave Learning Site.

As a Microsoft Partner, we stay on top of all the newest features released within Microsoft Teams and Office 365. We pride ourselves on having helped hundreds of organizations throughout North America deploy business solutions for their organizations.

If you are researching, considering, or planning on deploying Teams or Office 365 within your organization, let us help guide you through the process. We offer:

Topics: Professional Development, Training