Dave Dec

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Mastering Microsoft Teams Virtual Appointments: A Guide for Businesses

Posted by Dave Dec  /  June 20, 2024  /  Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams   —   No Comments ↓

In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses are constantly seeking ways to enhance their customer engagement and streamline their operations. Microsoft Teams Virtual Appointments emerges as a game-changing solution, offering a robust platform for scheduling, managing, and conducting remote business-to-customer interactions. This comprehensive guide will explore the features, benefits, and implementation of Microsoft Teams Virtual Appointments, helping you revolutionize your client meetings and boost your organization's efficiency.

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Tags: Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams

How to Stop Complaining and Start Building at Work

Posted by Dave Dec  /  May 24, 2024  /  Professional Development, Training   —   No Comments ↓

In today's fast-paced and competitive work environment, it's easy to fall into the trap of complaining about various aspects of our job. Whether it's frustrations with colleagues, dissatisfaction with projects, or general workplace grievances, constant complaining can quickly become a toxic habit that hinders productivity, damages relationships, and stunts personal growth.

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Tags: Professional Development, Training

Three Quick Steps to Exceptional Customer Service

Posted by Dave Dec  /  April 11, 2024  /  Professional Development, Training   —   No Comments ↓

Whether you are collaborating with customers, students, staff, or patients. Anyone you serve will call on you for help. Customers, prospects, patients, students, staff, taxpayers, citizens, and other businesses. Even your managers and leadership team may be considered the people you serve, so let us call them all customers. Here are three things you can do right now to beat stress when you deal with people who need your help.

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Tags: Professional Development, Training

Mastering Change Management: Strategies for Workplace Success

Posted by Dave Dec  /  March 11, 2024  /  Professional Development, Training   —   No Comments ↓

Amidst the evolving workplace landscape, adaptability is paramount. Join us in exploring the intricacies of change management through our new, comprehensive video series. Delve into strategies to navigate organizational shifts effectively, ensuring success in today's dynamic business environment. Access the complete series on-demand and embark on your journey towards workplace transformation! This series is comprised of five video modules to help you manage change in your workplace.

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Tags: Professional Development, Training

How to Delegate Your Outlook Email and Calendar

Posted by Dave Dec  /  August 8, 2023  /  Outlook, Microsoft 365   —   No Comments ↓

In today's fast-paced professional world, staying connected and organized is paramount. But what happens when you're juggling a crucial project while the allure of a much-needed vacation beckons? Or when your schedule becomes an intricate dance of meetings and tasks that could use an expert's touch? Enter Outlook's delegation feature – your key to a seamless handoff that keeps you in the driver's seat, even when you're miles away.

In this guide, we'll unlock the power of delegation, ensuring your email and calendar remain impeccably managed by the right hands. Whether you're jetting off on a well-deserved break or amplifying collaboration, it's time to harness the art of delegation like a true pro.

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Tags: Outlook, Microsoft 365

Boost Your Productivity with Microsoft Teams Chat with Self

Posted by Dave Dec  /  May 17, 2023  /  Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams   —   No Comments ↓

I've discovered a game-changing feature in Microsoft Teams that has quickly become a favorite of mine - The Microsoft Teams 'Chat with Self' feature. I use it daily, and I'm thrilled to share how it has revolutionized my note-taking process with you.

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Tags: Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams

Microsoft 365, Artificial Intelligence, and You

Posted by Dave Dec  /  April 13, 2023  /  Microsoft 365, AI   —   1 Comments ↓

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our lives, and its presence can be felt across various industries. In the world of technology, Microsoft has been at the forefront of integrating AI into its suite of products to enhance user productivity and enable more natural and efficient interactions with its software.

With the help of ChatGPT, Microsoft has taken AI to the next level by creating chatbots, writing assistants, translation services, and other productivity tools that were not possible before. In this blog post, we will explore how Microsoft 365 is using ChatGPT to revolutionize the way we work, making our jobs and work better for us and our organizations. We will also highlight some of the latest AI-powered features in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Teams and demonstrate how they can help users work more efficiently, productively, and creatively.

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Tags: Microsoft 365, AI

Staying Positive on the Job

Posted by Dave Dec  /  March 8, 2023  /  Professional Development, Training   —   No Comments ↓

Whether the past, present, or future, there have always been challenges in our places of work. From changes in our organizations to outside influences like the economy and pandemics. Things can really stress us out - that's why it's so important to stay positive!

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Tags: Professional Development, Training

Our Favorite Microsoft 365 Features of 2022

Posted by Dave Dec  /  January 13, 2023  /  Microsoft 365   —   No Comments ↓

The Webinar Team at KnowledgeWave discussed our favorite features of Microsoft 365 from 2022. We wanted to share those features with you here! Be sure to catch us in a live webinar in January 2023 when we will host a discussion between the Webinar Team members on why these are our favorite MS 365 features of 2022.

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Tags: Microsoft 365

Office 365 to Formally Become Microsoft 365 - What's New?

Posted by Dave Dec  /  November 16, 2022  /  Microsoft 365   —   2 Comments ↓

Beginning in November 2022, Office.com, the Office mobile app, and the Office app for Windows will all be transitioning to become the new Microsoft 365 app. This change comes with a new icon, a new look, and some brand-new features.

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Tags: Microsoft 365

Inclusion in the Workplace - A KnowledgeWave Video Series

Posted by Dave Dec  /  September 16, 2022  /  Professional Development, Training   —   No Comments ↓

The basic premise of an inclusive workplace is that all employees feel like they matter. The way we look, think, and communicate varies for many different reasons. An inclusive workplace embraces those differences to move individuals and your organization to a growing and successful future. 

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Tags: Professional Development, Training

What I Learned and Earned at the 2022 ATD Conference & Expo

Posted by Dave Dec  /  June 23, 2022  /  Professional Development, Training   —   No Comments ↓

The Association of Talent Development (ATD), is an international organization that supports more than 12,000 training and talent development specialists around the world. Earlier this year, ATD held its annual conference and expo from May 15th – May 18th, in Orlando, Florida. I attended for 3 different purposes: 

  • Attain my Certification in Leadership Development Programs 
  • Educate myself as a Conference Attendee
  • Contribute my time as a Conference Volunteer
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Tags: Professional Development, Training

Make the Job You Have the Job You Love

Posted by Dave Dec  /  January 20, 2022  /  Professional Development, Training   —   No Comments ↓

Were you excited when you first started your current job? Has the job changed and now you feel stressed just thinking about work? Wouldn’t it be great to love the job you have again? KnowledgeWave is happy to present the ‘Make the Job You Have the Job You Love’ series.

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Tags: Professional Development, Training

Managing Meetings: Ideas to Help You Run Great Meetings

Posted by Dave Dec  /  December 6, 2021  /  Professional Development, Training   —   No Comments ↓

Hosting and leading work meetings can sometimes be a difficult task - it helps to be prepared. KnowledgeWave is happy to present our "Managing Meetings" series. This Professional Development webinar/video series will walk you through a variety of different types of meetings, the purpose for hosting each type, and how to successfully manage each one.

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Tags: Professional Development, Training

Improve Your Presentation Skills: A KnowledgeWave Webinar Series

Posted by Dave Dec  /  July 19, 2021  /  Professional Development, Training   —   1 Comments ↓

In this series, we will teach you how to focus on your strengths and help you build confidence in your presentation skills.  We will also help you identify your weaknesses and build to improve those skills, provided they continue to build your confidence. 

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Tags: Professional Development, Training