We all want well-trained, productive employees on staff. Yet even though that dream is in high demand among employers, it isn't a reality for every organization. One of the biggest bottlenecks that commonly keep professionals from reaching their full potential is a lack in effective training or onboarding. Without effective onboarding and training opportunities, your employees will continue to lack the skills they need in order to contribute to company growth and success.
How to Build an Employee Training Plan Template in Google Drive
Posted by Eric Sokolowski / August 27, 2015 / Training — 2 Comments ↓
Tags: Training
Skills Training In a Box
Posted by Eric Sokolowski / August 26, 2015 / Training — 1 Comments ↓
Employee training. Some people think of it like the ante in poker: it’s the minimum stake to be in the game.
If you are like us, then you think of it more as a strategic advantage. Invest in developing your team, and your team will be invested in the success of your organization.
Tags: Training
Cost-Effective Training Techniques for Your Business
Posted by Eric Sokolowski / August 25, 2015 / Training — No Comments ↓
In today's competitive business environment, there is no shortage of training methods available to you. But if you have been immersed in a training program or two before, you know there is a clear difference between an effective-training program and one that runs your team stagnant. With the vast number of training methods and resources available to you, it can be daunting to determine which of these sources are going to equip your employees with the tools they need for better performance.
Tags: Training
Tuning Training to the Millennial Type
Posted by Ryan Liebegott / August 19, 2015 / Training — No Comments ↓
As Baby Boomers continue to retire at an accelerating rate, their immediate successors within Generation X will only be able to fill half of their positions, leaving the remainder open to less-experienced Millennials.
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What You Need to Include in Your Employee Training Log Template
Posted by Kurt Liebegott / August 6, 2015 / Training — 5 Comments ↓
Onboarding and training new and existing team members can be a complex process for many organizations and their managers. "Managing people is one of the most time-consuming and difficult aspects of any job," writes Barrie Gross of allBusiness. "Whether you have one direct report or 20, the responsibilities loom large and finding the time to follow sound management practices in everything you do as a supervisor can be challenging."
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The Secret Behind Continuous Improvement Process Success
Posted by Eric Sokolowski / July 30, 2015 / Training — No Comments ↓
Successful organizations are often determined by their process and their willingness to evolve. The more granular, and focused the organization is on planning, implementing, reviewing and refining its processes, the better. This method is often referred to as the plan-do-check-act cycle, aka PDCA, a four-step process used for continuous improvement. PDCA is an on-going and joint team effort that organizations use to ultimately improve products, services and internal processes for breakthrough performance.
Tags: Training
5 Ways to Increase Workplace Efficiency Company-Wide
Posted by Jennifer Patterson / July 22, 2015 / Training — No Comments ↓
Every organization wants productive, solution-driven employees on its team. Without them, you may notice a lag in workplace efficiency and a decline in the quality of your products and services. Well where are they, these effective, efficient team members? They are right there under your nose, in your organization. To empower your employees, you must provide them with the resources they need to perform and grow your business.
Tags: Training
Who is Responsible for Helping Employees to Learn New Skills?
Posted by Eric Sokolowski / July 17, 2015 / Training — 1 Comments ↓
If your organization's human resources department and managers are onboarding new employees at a rapid rate, it can only mean one thing: You're growing, and that's a good thing. On the other side of the spectrum, if you lack the resources your new hires need to settle into their roles, they may become self-reliant, which isn't always a good thing. So how do you achieve the former, and provide your employees with proper training? And who should take responsibility of onboarding your new employees?
Tags: Training
How to Set Clear Training Objectives for Greater ROI
Posted by Kurt Liebegott / July 15, 2015 / Training — No Comments ↓
Having well-trained employees is the dream of every organization. If your current training program isn't covering enough ground or providing enough value, your employees will never receive the adequate training they need to create a competitive advantage for your organization. To overcome this obstacle, establish clear objectives for your new and existing training programs, plus a few key performance indicators to gauge the effectiveness of your program. This way, you won't waste time, effort and money on training efforts that provide little to no value for your team and your organization.
Tags: Training
How Adult Learning Theory Influenced the Design of Our Learning Site
Posted by Jennifer Patterson / July 10, 2015 / KnowledgeWave News, Training — 1 Comments ↓
Hi, I’m the lead product manager here at KnowledgeWave, and I wanted to share with you some of the rationale and expertise that is behind the design of KLS, the KnowledgeWave Learning Site.
Tags: KnowledgeWave News, Training
Business Skills Training: What Onboarding Is Missing
Posted by Jennifer Patterson / July 9, 2015 / Training — No Comments ↓
Change is inevitable, but it can be costly to your organization—especially if it manifests in a revolving door of employees. Did you know, however, that you can decrease the number of employees that turn over each year by improving the way your human resources staff recruits and onboards new hires?
Tags: Training
Cost-Effective Business Tools for Improving Employee Performance
Posted by Eric Sokolowski / July 7, 2015 / Training — No Comments ↓
Behind every successful business is a well-trained, enthusiastic team. As you may have already found in building or contributing to your venture, however, success doesn't happen overnight, and neither does a thriving team. It all starts with investing in your employees, so in turn they will invest in you and your organization. One way to emphasize this is through employee development and training. According to allBusiness, "Investing in your employees’ continuing education demonstrates that the company values its people and wants them to grow. Even after an individual joins an organization and the “honeymoon” period has passed, companies should continue to provide training on an ongoing basis for any skills that may be pertinent to the employee’s job."
Tags: Training
Strategic Training Methods to Increase Employee Productivity
Posted by Jennifer Patterson / June 25, 2015 / Training — No Comments ↓
Productivity can be an elusive concept. Even if you feel you and your employees are working effectively, projects can still bog down and somehow, mysteriously, end up missing the je ne sais quoi needed to really contribute to your bottom line. But you can move the needle if you take a careful look at your strategic training methods. If strategic training methods are already in place, but they're solely focused on leadership development, you may be missing out on a key opportunity to increase productivity across the board.
Tags: Training
The Importance of Employee Engagement During Onboarding
Posted by Jennifer Patterson / June 17, 2015 / Training — 1 Comments ↓
In today's business environment, staffing can feel like a revolving door, which is especially frustrating when you consider the costs of turnover—both hidden and evident. What if you could alleviate the rising cost of employee turnover? Don't underestimate the importance of your onboarding plan.
Tags: Training
How to Hone Your Training Techniques for Beginners
Posted by Dan St. Hilaire / June 2, 2015 / Training — No Comments ↓
When it comes to software training, you can run into some particular snares that go beyond issues in presenting the information. For one, your audience might simply be less adept or lack confidence when it comes to technology, making it more difficult for them to take in the information even if you use a great training module. When you're working with beginners, it's necessary to take the time to understand their needs and train in a way that benefits them in particular.
Tags: Training