6 Tips to Keep You Safe Online

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  May 3, 2012  /  Industry News   —   No Comments ↓

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Tags: Industry News

Excel Topics Featured for Upcoming Lunch Bites Webinars

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  April 30, 2012  /  Webinars   —   No Comments ↓

Microsoft Excel is a wellspring of useful features for so many different purposes. That's why this month we're having an Excel-ent lunch with our Lunch Bites series. Two of this month's topics will focus on varying aspects of Excel. The first will look at Excel charts while the second will look at headers, footers and printing options. Let's be honest, we've all been flustered by the printing appearance of our spreadsheets in Excel.
These free sessions are just 15 minutes of your time, but will reward you with great time-saving tips and tricks that will save you hours. Come for one, sign up for both, it's up to you. Just don't miss them!

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Tags: Webinars

Introducing Function Fridays!

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  April 27, 2012  /  Excel   —   No Comments ↓

Fridays just feel like a day for rewards. It’s the end of the week, we’ve put in a good effort and we’re looking ahead to the weekend. Well, we’d like to give you something else on Fridays. That’s why we’re introducing, Function Fridays. Every Friday we’re going to post a new video tip on an Excel function… for free. These short tutorials get right at the heart of how to use the functions that can make your Excel life easier. Now, that sounds perfect for a Friday.

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Tags: Excel

Create an Interactive Access Form to Filter a Query by Date Range

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  April 23, 2012  /  Access   —   46 Comments ↓

Date ranges are a very common filter that database users want to implement in their queries. For example, let’s say your company sells office supplies and your databases tracks customer orders. You want to run a monthly query that summarizes total orders.

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Tags: Access

How to Calculate Weekdays Between Two Dates in Excel

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  April 10, 2012  /  Excel   —   1 Comments ↓

Calculating the number of workdays between two distinct dates can be a pain to do, manually. However, Excel has a great function that will help you accomplish this. It involves using the NETWORKDAYS function.

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Tags: Excel

Have a Side of Knowledge With Your Lunch

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  April 6, 2012  /  Webinars   —   No Comments ↓

For the past few years we've brought quality training to your desktop through 30 minute and 60 minute webinars. Every month we offer free sessions on topics of interest to most users. Well, we're going to keep on doing that. However, we're mixing up the format to meet the needs of our customers, wherever they are.

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Tags: Webinars

Quick Tip: Delete an Unwanted Address from the Microsoft Outlook Auto-Complete List

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  March 21, 2012  /  Outlook   —   No Comments ↓

Microsoft Outlook does many things that save time and streamline our communications process. In fact, it’s hard to remember how we business communications worked before the days of email. Each time you correspond with a new person, Outlook stores this address for quick recall at a later time. This is a good thing. We’ve all used this. You start typing an address and one, or several, options appear for us to select.

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Tags: Outlook

Shut Down. No, Sleep. No…

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  March 15, 2012  /  Windows   —   No Comments ↓

Access the Start Menu Properties by right clicking on your Start menu.
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Tags: Windows

Outlook Categories: Newer, Better, Brighter!

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  March 8, 2012  /  Outlook   —   No Comments ↓

Categories got a complete makeover. They work throughout Outlook in many helpful ways. Any Outlook item you create can be categorized by right clicking on the item and choosing categorize. The first time you use each category you will be asked to name the category. There are six categories by default (all named for colors) but you can add many more.

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Tags: Outlook

Is YouTube The Future of Online Education?

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  March 7, 2012  /  Industry News   —   1 Comments ↓

Is YouTube The Future of Online Education?

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Tags: Industry News

Class Alert! Microsoft Excel and OneNote Classes

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  February 22, 2012  /  KnowledgeWave Courses   —   No Comments ↓

KnowledgeWave has added a few new classes to our schedule. We expect these to be popular courses so we are providing advance notice. Register early to secure your seat as these classes are available nationally. All of these new courses are running Live at KnowledgeWave in South Burlington, Vermont. You can attend at our South Burlington facility or remotely or from your home or office.

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Tags: KnowledgeWave Courses

Microsoft Word 2010: Shortcuts for Applying Heading Styles

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  February 14, 2012  /  Word   —   4 Comments ↓

Styles are hugely important in Microsoft Word. Styles allow for consistency in formatting, ease in changing the look and feel of your document and access to naviagation and reference tools.

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Tags: Word

We Got Your Office, Right Here!

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  February 10, 2012  /  KnowledgeWave News   —   No Comments ↓

We exist in a changing world. Software is updated frequently and companies have become more cautious about how and when they upgrade. Because of this, we understand that you may have Office 365, the newest Office technology, or you could still be rocking Office 2003. Whatever the case, we feel it’s important to meet you on your terms. That’s why KnowledgeWave classrooms are run off Virtual PC setups. This allows us to teach any version of Microsoft Office; 2003, 2007, 2010 or Office 365.

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Tags: KnowledgeWave News

Word 2010 - AutoFormat Command

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  February 10, 2012  /  Word   —   1 Comments ↓

Video Tip: Autoformat command is one you may have remembered from using previous versions of Microsoft Word. This time saver tool helps the user quickly format documents or emails making them easier to read. In this session we will show you how to locate and add the Autoformat command to the Quick Access Toolbar.

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Tags: Word

Microsoft Excel Webinar: Analyzing Data

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  February 7, 2012  /  Webinars   —   No Comments ↓

We are offering some solid webinars for February. Our Microsoft Excel session will uncover some great features in Excel and is well worth your time. Furthermore, Log On to Learn members will be able to access the event on our member site after the event runs. Check it out, come join us and Happy Leap Year.

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Tags: Webinars