How Does Remote Training Work?

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  December 21, 2015  /  Training   —   2 Comments ↓

Update 3/19/2020:
If you are here due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you've come to the right place. We have years of experience delivering training in remote modalities. Read on.

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Tags: Training

How to Identify the Widest Gaps in Business Efficiency

Posted by Eric Sokolowski  /  December 16, 2015  /  Productivity   —   No Comments ↓

We all get the high-level theory: the organization's vision and mission act as the guiding force. Various teams across the organization perform different functions, all in service to the larger vision and goals of the organization.

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Tags: Productivity

How to Keep KLS in Front of Employees

Posted by Jennifer Patterson  /  December 15, 2015  /  KLS   —   No Comments ↓

If employees don’t know about the KnowledgeWave Learning Site (KLS), then they won’t use it.

If employees aren’t using KnowledgeWave, then your organization is missing out on learning opportunities and ROI.

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Tags: KLS

The Managed Service Provider's Responsibility to the Cloud End-User

Posted by Eric Sokolowski  /  December 15, 2015  /  MSP   —   No Comments ↓

As a partner with many MSPs, I often have a chance to speak with industry IT leaders and understand how they are seeing the world. Lately, our conversations always seem to touch on the spectrum that exists within an organization regarding the gap between user productivity needs and IT’s obligation to protect organizational data. Nowhere is this more evident than with Office 365.

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Tags: MSP

Using the Days Function in Excel 2013

Posted by David Thibault  /  December 14, 2015  /  Excel   —   No Comments ↓

Microsoft Excel 2013 has a new useful function called Days. It is pretty easy to use and only requires two arguments: an end date and a start date. The results will be displayed as the total number of days between the two dates. Follow the steps below to create the function.

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Tags: Excel

10 Productivity Hacks Using Office 365

Posted by Jon Hood  /  December 10, 2015  /  Microsoft 365   —   No Comments ↓

You may be asking, "How can I make my team as productive and efficient as they can be and make the most of Microsoft Office 365?" Ultimately, you want to learn ways to maximize functionality to increase efficiency. Well, that's exactly what Office 365 is built to do!

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Tags: Microsoft 365

Hiding Columns and Rows in Excel the Easy Way

Posted by David Thibault  /  December 8, 2015  /  Excel   —   2 Comments ↓

There are several ways to hide and unhide columns and rows in Excel. One thing you might not be aware of: you can hide and unhide more than one column or row, at the same time, even if they are non-contiguous. Better yet, if they are contiguous you can use Excel's Grouping tool. Below I have outlined a couple of time-saving ways to hide and unhide your Excel columns and rows.

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Tags: Excel

Improving Employee Motivation in 5 Weeks

Posted by Jennifer Patterson  /  December 4, 2015  /  Workplace Culture, Training   —   No Comments ↓

For years I have been a big fan of First, Break All the Rules by Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman. I love that they started with data from more than 1 million Gallup surveys and worked intently to find what the data would reveal.

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Tags: Workplace Culture, Training

How to Recover an Unsaved Word Document

Posted by David Thibault  /  November 30, 2015  /  Word   —   122 Comments ↓

Many of us have experienced a situation where we have created a Word document and then accidentally closed it out without saving it. Is it lost forever? Do I have to recreate the entire document over? Those are just a few of the questions that will be flying around in your head. Take a deep breath, and follow the steps below to recover your document.

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Tags: Word

Top Tips on How to Keep Up with Technology Changes at Your Business

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  November 23, 2015  /    —   No Comments ↓

One question often asked by my family, friends and sometimes co-workers is, "How do you keep up with technology, it seems to change so often." While I agree that technology seems to change faster these days, these are some tricks I use to try and stay ahead of the curve.

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How to Use Training Benefits as a Hiring Advantage

Posted by Kurt Liebegott  /  November 17, 2015  /  Workplace Culture   —   No Comments ↓

Hopefully your organization has a great employee training program in place for all the right reasons: you are improving business outcomes, intentionally building a culture of continuous learning, and increasing employee satisfaction. On top of all that, as an added bonus, you can use your training benefits as an advantage for recruiting and hiring top talent.

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Tags: Workplace Culture

Does User Adoption Play a Role in Your MSP Retention Strategy?

Posted by Eric Sokolowski  /  November 15, 2015  /  MSP, Training   —   1 Comments ↓

As companies embrace outsourcing more IT functions, external resources such as MSP Account Managers and vCIO's have greater influence in decisions around migration strategies. Is user adoption factored into the planning?

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Tags: MSP, Training

Yes, We Do Classroom Rentals

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  November 12, 2015  /  KnowledgeWave News   —   No Comments ↓

Ever find yourself in need of a classroom with a projector and a bunch of computers? Consider renting one of our classrooms for your next training event in the Burlington, Vermont area.

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Tags: KnowledgeWave News

How to Organize Your SharePoint Team Site for Optimal Results

Posted by Jon Hood  /  November 10, 2015  /  SharePoint   —   No Comments ↓

Make your SharePoint team sites sparkling clean

As you're building, creating, and managing your organization's SharePoint team sites, it's critical to do some planning. Big-time planning. Even planning on evolution, which may be why you're asking how you can create a logical and strategic setup for a team site that's already getting overwhelmingly difficult for users. How do you organize your SharePoint team sites for optimal results? Well, that depends on how you're using SharePoint, the size of your organization, and how much freedom users have to make changes.

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Tags: SharePoint

3 Steps to Take Your Software Training Online

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  November 5, 2015  /  Training   —   1 Comments ↓

Training employees. “Whose job is that? It’s not mine.” I’ve heard this often from my IT peers. They aren’t trying to skirt responsibility, they love technology and want users to embrace the latest enhancements. IT administrators and staff are often tasked with learning about the newest technologies to help their business maintain a competitive edge and meet customer demand. There are many reasons why IT may seem like the best choice for providing training. A common example being the C-suite seeing their IT staff as experts of the newest technology and they want to leverage that expertise.

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Tags: Training