Office 365 One Drive for Business is a cloud service that stores all files in a secure, shared space accessible across all devices. It gives businesses the power to create and share work-related documents, avoid data breaches, and clean up outdated processes. Migrating to OneDrive could be the chance your organization needs to stay on top of changing tech trends and optimize productivity. Here’s what you need to know...
A Breakdown of Office 365 OneDrive for Business
A subscription to Office 365 means your users can upload and save their files to the cloud and access them later from any device. They can simply sign into their Office 365 account, select OneDrive, and start adding files with a simple drag-and-drop tool or the upload button. They can upload and work with almost any type of file in OneDrive.
OneDrive Sync provides a way for users to work in familiar way using File Explorer to interact with their OneDrive files. This is a favorite feature among end users, helping them work efficiently with familiar tools while still having the benefits of cloud document storage.
All files are private to the user until they decide to share with partners within or outside of your organization. This is another huge productivity boost that end users love: sharing files enables your team to access and edit documents in real-time, from a variety of devices. Creating and editing documents from a mobile device, accessing files while offline, and confidently storing important information without the fear of a leak.
Not to be confused with the personal version of OneDrive, OneDrive for Business enables businesses to maintain control. It also allows businesses to set restrictions as to what can be stored and shared from OneDrive, while providing a cloud storage solution for users that gives them the sharing, collaboration and version control they need.
3 Benefits of OneDrive for Business
Not sure whether OneDrive for Business could help your business?
The more you learn about the Office 365 platform, the easier the decision will be. OneDrive isn’t just a cloud storage solution or office collaboration tool. It’s an all-in-one solution that’s affordable, feature-rich, and easy to use. Implementing OneDrive for Business could give you the following benefits, among many others:
OneDrive is a core component to Office 365 and will help your business drive teamwork, improve communications and promote collaboration.
Securely upload and store files, share projects across devices without fear of a security breach, make changes online or offline, and access important data from almost any device – not just your work computer – with OneDrive for Business.
The future of business is in cloud computing and seamless collaboration. Stay a step ahead by migrating to Microsoft Office 365 and OneDrive for Business.
And P.S.: DON'T FORGET THE END USER TRAINING! If you want your team to actually start using OneDrive for Business and realizing all of these advantages, don't leave it to chance or to the few brave souls willing to explore. A little training goes a long way to making you a hero in terms of IT solutions that really move the needle on business efficiencies.