Ever have a WOW or ah-ha moment? If you haven’t experienced that feeling in the world of application software use, we hope to give you just that feeling when you watch the below video. Often times we are faced with not knowing what we don’t know. I’ve personally worked with images within a Microsoft Word environment for years. I’ve used tables and other options to try and line up an image in the way I’d like them to display. “I know how I want it to display, but Word doesn’t let me…” Not anymore. This great 4 minute video could shave a considerable amount of time off your next project!
Even if you’ve been using Microsoft Office every day, there are some useful tools hidden within each of these programs! In this video, our Word Expert will show you how to remove the background of an image that you’ve inserted into your document, then he shows you how to wrap text around that image to make your document design even cooler. Getting these Photoshop-like effects in Word, PowerPoint, and Excel is easy and exciting!
Ah-ha, now you know…
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