Measuring Office 365 Adoption

Posted by Dan St. Hilaire  /  November 4, 2020  /  Microsoft 365, MSP, User Adoption, Microsoft Teams   —   No Comments ↓

Measuring Office 365 Adoption with Productivity Score

As part of our Adoption and Change Management (ACM) practice, we highlight the need to measure for success. It’s even a section on my Office 365 User Adoption ChecklistKnowledgeWave has had the opportunity to beta test Microsoft Productivity Score for the last several months and we are super excited that it’s now available in general release to all Office 365 Administrators. (If you don’t see it hang tight, it’s coming) The use of Productivity Score will help organizations power their digital transformation with metrics that can dive into how users are using modern technology like Microsoft Teams.

Content Collaboration

With over 115 million daily active users of Teams, businesses are still struggling with getting true collaboration to spark, where users are doing more than chatting. Productivity Score lets you look into how employees are using Office 365, to help you better determine how you can train and support your users to best leverage the features and apps that are part of Office 365.  

Microsoft 365 CVP, @jared_spataro recently highlighted how this new service can help businesses accelerate their digital transformation on an episode of Microsoft Mechanics. If you are an Office 365 Admin, or a Managed Service Provider (MSP), you should now about Productivity Score and be using it and tracking results over time.  

Located under Reports in the Office 365 Admin Center, Productivity Score lets you drill down into reports on Communications, Meetings, Content Collaboration, and TeamworkTeamwork reporting, for example, shows a breakdown of how people in your organization engage in shared workspaces. These reports can identify users leveraging the technology so that you can tap them as change championsConsider Productivity Score another tool to help you understand the change and impact it positively.  


Deploying Microsoft Teams and expecting a reduction of email communication doesn’t change at the flip of a switch, but this new reporting option can help you accelerate the acceptance of moving to the modern workplace. The KnowledgeWave Learning Site (KLS) combined with tools like Productivity Score helps businesses teach users and then measure results 

One report I’ve personally found helpful was Chat Messages vs. Channel Conversation. Seeing a lower score in Channel conversations while seeing a high chat message score may identify an opportunity to highlight the benefit of conversation/post threads on channels, where conversations are grouped around a specific conversation topic. Understanding the difference between chats, group chats, and channel conversations is a challenge to new users of Microsoft Teams. Understanding the difference can help with findability too.  

In addition to this video you may want to review this other Microsoft documentation:

Are you an MSP interested in partnering with KnowledgeWave or an IT leader at your business? Reach out to us today. We share tips and other best practices around Adoption and Change Management (ACM) for Microsoft 365 with our partners and clients regularly. We are Service Adoption Specialists, and we are here to help you.

About KnowledgeWave

For the past 20 years, KnowledgeWave has been helping companies deploy and adopt the latest business software. We stay up to date with the most recent software features and are constantly adding additional training to our online learning library, the KnowledgeWave Learning Site.

As a Microsoft Partner, we stay on top of all the newest features released within Microsoft Teams and Office 365. We pride ourselves on having helped hundreds of organizations throughout North America deploy business solutions for their organizations.

Learn More about our Microsoft Teams Adoption Planning Checklist

If you are researching, considering, or planning on deploying Teams or Office 365 within your organization, let us help guide you through the process. We offer:

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Topics: Microsoft 365, MSP, User Adoption, Microsoft Teams