KnowledgeWave Blog

Microsoft SharePoint Team Blog : SharePoint 2010

Written by Dan St. Hilaire | October 19, 2009

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Microsoft SharePoint Team Blog : SharePoint 2010

SharePoint 2010

This is my third and final post as part of our disclosure of SharePoint 2010 today. The previous posts covered the SharePoint History and how we Engineer SharePoint. This morning, Steve Ballmer and I are kicking off the SharePoint Conference so it is time to talk about SharePoint 2010! It is incredibly fun and rewarding to unveil this release driven input from you and innovative ideas from the team. As Steve announced, we will release the Beta of Office 2010 and SharePoint 2010 in November and look forward to your feedback as we finalization the product and documentation for release in the first half of next year.

Describing SharePoint 2010 in 1 Sentence, 8 Categories and 40 Feature Areas

SharePoint is a broad solution so we often get asked how we would describe it in a sentence. For SharePoint 2010, we settled on “The Business Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise and the Web”. A few words are worth explaining. We decided “Collaboration” was broad enough to cover the spectrum of publishing, sharing, finding, analyzing and managing information that SharePoint enables. We chose “Platform” not only because custom solutions are a major focus of the 2010 release but also "platform" conveyed a solid base for all the out-of-box usage that never requires a developer. Finally, we want to call out “the Web” to highlight both internet scenarios reaching customers and partners and the cloud-based delivery of SharePoint Online. For SharePoint 2007, we used a pie diagram chart to describe the major SharePoint categories such as “Enterprise Content Management”. This release, we picked words we thought were both simpler and gave us more freedom to innovate beyond traditional category boundaries. We settled on Sites, Communities, Content, Search, Insights and Composites as the new category names. Within each of these plus Administration and Development, I will highlight 5 major feature areas for a total of 40. At the next level down are hundreds of exciting new features which will be covered on\sharepoint and subsequent posts from the team. Needless to say, this is the biggest release of SharePoint yet and we hope you find it as exciting as we do!

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