Did you know that beginning next year, CompTIA is changing their certification policy for the Security+, A+ and Network+ qualifications? Right now, when you pass the exam for any of these three credentials, you are certified for LIFE! There are no professional development hours to earn, no tests to retake and no more studying.
If you pass the certification exam on or after January 1st, 2011, you will NOT be certified for life. The updated policy requires new certificate holders to renew their certification every three years by participating in CompTIA's continuing education program.
Annual maintenance fees of $25-$49
Worrying about the possibility that you could lose your certification
The stress of keeping up with Continuing Education Units
Missing work or personal time to earn CEUs
KnowledgeWave offers regular options for A+, Network+ and Security+. We offer both in-house classroom training and remote attendance options. Don't miss your opportunity to earn your life time certification from CompTIA.
Contact Eric Sokolowski for more details and our next dates! Reach Eric at: 800-831-8449